Whale, Dolphin, Seal & Dugong
Who are we?
ORRCA stands for the Organisation for the Rescue and Research of Cetaceans in Australia. Put simply, our primary focus is the rescue, research, conservation, protection and welfare of Whales, Dolphins, Seals and Dugongs in Australian waters.
ORRCA offers the community one of the most experienced and successful whale, dolphin, seal and dugong rescue teams in Australia.
We are the only volunteer wildlife rehabilitation group in New South Wales licensed to be involved with marine mammal rescue, rehabilitation and release. Our members come from all walks of life, age groups and nationalities.
Being part ORRCA
We operate as a non-profit organisation and have charity status.
It is because of the generosity of the public providing donations, and the love and passion of people wanting to get involved and learn about these amazing marine mammals, that ORRCA exists on its own two flippers today.
Through our ever growing membership of valued and dedicated members and our highly commended rescue training workshops coupled with the strength and dedication of the Committee, ORRCA has achieved extraordinary things over the past 37 years.
View our constitution here.
No qualifications needed to join
Our members come from all walks of life, age groups, nationalities and career backgrounds. If you have a passion for whales, dolphins, seals or dugongs and respect the ORRCA Constitution, you are welcome to apply to become an ORRCA member!
(To become a Rescue Trained member you must be over 18 years old.)
To join our membership, simply click on the link below and complete the application process. Become an ORRCA member today!
The ORRCA Rescue Hotline is the organisations lifeline! ~ 02 9415 3333
The ORRCA Rescue Hotline is the first point of contact people have with our organisation.
Be it a whale or seal emergency, a local incident, someone wanting information on the organisation or simply a member of the public asking a question, the ORRCA Rescue Hotline gets it all, from near and far!
ORRCA operates a 24/7, 365 days of the year, Rescue Hotline for the public to report any injured, entangled or stranded whale, dolphin, seal and dugong.
You can also report any sightings of whales, dolphins, seals and dugongs into the ORRCA Rescue Hotline team on 02 9415 3333.
We are always in need of individuals to assist on the ORRCA Rescue Hotline on a casual or regular basis. If this important role sounds like something you would like to help out with, please Contact Us today!
24/7 Hotline
(02) 9415 3333
ORRCA Inc. BSB: 082 387
Account: 653079879
Our 2025 Committee
Executive Committee
President Ashley Ryan
Vice President Steve Trikoulis
Second VP Jessica Fox
Treasurer Kathie Payne
Secretary Jody Langlois
Committee Members
Skippy (Helen) Love
Craig Ryan
Naomi Shepherd
Leonard Fitzpatrick
Annie Post
Hon. Committee Members
Wayne Reynolds
Heather McCann
Contact us.
40 Westcott Street
EAST LAKES New South Wales 2018 Australia
For general enquiries by email,
fill in the form below.