The ORRCA Constitution is the basis for all that we do and don’t do.
All rescue trained members must abide by the ORRCA Constitution and make that pledge at the training workshops they are required to attend. It keeps our members safe and our Committee focused on what ORRCA’s role is when it comes to marine mammal rescues.
You can view the ORRCA Constitution here.
As a member you will get access to the ORRCA member portal. Within the portal you will be able to stay up to date with the latest news and events.
We also encourage our members to share their stories and experiences with marine wildlife as part of the ORRCA community.
There has never been a better time to join, so why not become a member today?
If you would like to join the ORRCA Team, you must be 18 or over.
No experience necessary!
By simply clicking on the link below, you can apply to become an ORRCA member.
If you are interested in a more hands on experience within ORRCA and share a passion for the protection and welfare of marine mammals in all weather conditions, then maybe you would like to become a Rescue team member?
1. Become a member first by clicking the link above,
2. You will be required to attend a Rescue training workshop. Book in a date by clicking the link below.
Once you've completed your ORRCA Rescue Training, you will join your local ORRCA Rescue pod.
As incidents occur in your area, you will be called upon to attend rescue incidents as required. Unlike other wildlife groups, marine mammal incidents are random and happen sporadically. Our rescue members need to be prepared at all times!
It is easy, simply click on the button below and you can renew your membership for 1 or 3 years.
Did you know ORRCA has representation and is part of the NSW Wildlife Council?
The mission of the NSW Wildlife Council – "Achieving optimal outcomes for Australian wildlife"
The NSW Wildlife Council (NWC) is the NSW peak body representing over 4,000 wildlife rescuers throughout the state. Its goal is to improve the outcomes for Australian wildlife, especially those that are sick, injured or orphaned.
It is through this Council that ORRCA keeps abreast of changes in NPWS policies or well as the NSW Government legislation updates and revisions, issues within the rescue and rehabilitation sector and any new funding opportunities available to NGOs.
Through our participation and membership on NWC, ORRCA also receives its volunteers' insurance cover as part of a blanket policy arrangement across the sector.
Want to learn more about the NWC? Check out the website or follow on facebook
New South Wales Wildlife Council.
“Hold up a mirror and ask yourself what you are capable of doing, and what you really care about. Then take the initiative - don’t wait for someone else to ask you to act.”

Donate and Support
Donate today
Firstly, thank you for visiting our donations page.
By making a secure online donation, you are helping ORRCA to continue to achieve its vision of conducting rescues and supporting research of the great whales along our coastlines plus you are helping us with the future conservation, protection and welfare of seals, dolphins and dugongs.
By giving today, you are helping ORRCA continue with its important work into the future!
How does your donation support ORRCA?
Your kind donations will help support ORRCA in the following ways;
Funds the specialty rescue equipment needed in marine mammal rescue situations
Assists the organisation with planning training workshops throughout the year
Provides tools and resources for research programs on specific rare and endangered marine mammals
Allows ORRCA to share more information and education to the community via community events
Support more rescuers in the field during mass stranding events
All donations over $2 are tax-deductible.
Leave a legacy
This is a very personal and heart felt moment and we are grateful that you are considering ORRCA when leaving a legacy.
By leaving a bequest to ORRCA, you are leaving an amazing ‘living’ legacy to some very rare and endangered mammals and the teams of people who bravely go out in all conditions to do what we feel is the best thing for these spectacular creatures!
Why leave a legacy?
It allows you to create a lasting change for future generations.
It helps ORRCA continue to rescue and research marine mammals, protecting and preserving these amazing mammals for generations to come. Every gift we get helps makes an important difference for marine mammals.
Bequests are invaluable to ORRCAs ongoing rescue and research work.
Please email our team to find out how you can leave a legacy!
Corporate sponsorship
Financial support
Like many organisations, ORRCA is always grateful for financial support. We receive no regular government funding.
We rely on the generosity of the public’s donations, being successful in grant applications and the income from our membership base and running our popular marine mammal rescue workshops.
If your business has a community sponsorship program and can assist ORRCA financially in anyway, please contact us today as we would love to hear from you!
Other ways you can help
As a volunteer organisation, we always need basic things in rescue situations. These include; sheets, towels, and buckets.
On the bigger side of things, we need support and donations to help keep our water craft operational with safety and rescue equipment.
If this is an area you or your business can assist with, please contact us today.
Or forwarded by cheque or money order to:
PO Box 429
Sutherland NSW 1499
Cash donations can also be made to ORRCA at any one of the festivals or meetings that we attend.
Donations over $2.00 are tax deductible.